Books to Help Promote the Outdoors
Books to Help Promote the Outdoors | The Mother Cooker
If your little is anything like mine, they'll want to go outside constantly. Digging, exploring, finding ants and zooming down the slide, helping you plant things and 'sweeping'. Even if it's raining Evie will constantly say 'Outside please mommy?' I'd say I don't know who she gets it from, but I's me, obviously. In an age where everything is digital and involves a screen, I am so amazingly happy that she loves the outdoors and wants to be outside constantly. It not only makes my life easier, but I love to see her exploring and hearing her say 'Look Mommy, an ant!' As if it's the biggest wonder in the entire world, oh how to be little again. If you follow along with me on social, you will also know that Evie is obsessed with books. Every single time the post man or delivery driver knocks the door 'My book mommy?' Breaks my heart every time I have to tell her no, but she doesn't go without and here we have compiled all of her favourite books that help to promote the outdoors and everything wonderful in it.
Mad About MinibeastsThis delightful books is packed full of bright and quirky images, listing all of the 'minibeasts' you can find outside, from snails, to woodlice, to that overly legged critter, the centipede. We like to take it out into the garden and see if we can spot any that match the pictures, a fun activity that will keep your little busy for hours. Why not go a step further and create a bug hotel? All you need are twigs, toilet roll tubes, stones and grass.
BeeThis is a beautiful book, with absolutely stunning imagery stating the importance of our little furry friend, the bee. I found it quite shocking to discover that bees could survive without us, but we couldn't without them. I try and teach Evie the huge importance of these little buzzing pollen magicians. This book is a great story, explaining exactly how and why bees are so important.
The Boy who Lost His BumbleThis is a story of a boy who is at his happiest when surrounded by bees. He goes on a journey of losing the bees to winter and it tells of how he then becomes happy again when they return in spring. A joyful read and one Evie got me to read over and over again.
Peep Inside the JungleEvie went through a stage where she was obsessed with lift the flap books and our favourite have always been Usborne. They do them so well, the flaps are always in fascinating shapes and the imagery is always top notch. This book takes you on a journey through the jungle, listing creatures and their habitats.
The Secret GardenA special book for if your child is that bit older, we have the William Morris V&A printed edition. I picked it up in Cornwall last year, it was one of my favourite books as a little girl and I adore the magical journey of discovery it takes you on. One to treasure.
Peep Inside the GardenLike number 4, this is another great lift the flap book from Usborne. Taking you through all of the things that can grow and live in a garden. From the vegetable patch, to what's inside the shed. A fun journey of discovery and another one that you can take into the garden and play spot the object/animal with.
Why do we Need Bees?This is a more in depth book about bees, but with super fun illustrations and the added wonder of lift the flap (like I said, obsessed.) From a whole page talking you through the different types of bees and their jobs, to how they make honey, how they get food and where they live. It truly is magical.
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