Three Ways with Kale


Creamy Sundried Tomato and Kale Pasta | The Mother Cooker

If you'd spoken to me last year or even a few months ago, I would have said "Kale? No thanks!" I didn't understand the hype with it, I'd tried a piece of my friend's crispy kale once and I wasn't sold at all. Fast forward to now and I pick up a bag of kale every single week. I plan on growing it next year in my vegetable garden, you could say that I have become obsessed. So I couldn't think of anything better for a take one, make three than this extremely nutritious vegetable. Now I'm talking of the curly variety, as there are many types of kale and I don't want you to get confused.

When I looked up the benefits, I was quite amazed at just how good for you it is. Packed with a whopping 3 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber, vitamins A, K and C, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and zinc. I've introduced it to Evie's diet as much as I can, but she especially loves the pesto recipe below. I've tried to keep all three recipes using similar ingredients, to help you save money and waste. Hope it helps! If you're after any more kale recipes, I also included it in two of the recipes I created for 8Fit last month.

Creamy Chicken Pasta with Sun dried tomato & kale

I think this pasta is one of my favourite recipes I have ever created, I think it's absolutely delicious. Most likely because it is pretty indulgent, but isn't indulgence the aim of the game in the winter? This would be a true crowd pleaser and absolutely great for work. I keep dreaming about it, honestly, SO good.

Serves: 4Prep time: 10 minsCook time: 20 mins

  • 200g penne pasta
  • 10 sun dried tomatoes
  • 2 large handfuls of kale, chopped
  • 250ml low salt chicken stock
  • 2 rashers of unsalted bacon
  • 80-100ml of saved pasta water
  • 1 (410g) pack of chicken mini fillets, chopped into slices
  • 284ml of double cream
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • Handful of basil, chopped
  • Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Chop bacon and chicken into smaller pieces. Add 2 tbsp butter to a large pan, once melted add bacon and 2 minced garlic cloves, cook until golden (about 3 mins) stirring regularly.
  2. Pop on a pan of water to boil.
  3. Add chopped chicken and brown. Once browned, add cream and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Add chopped sun dried tomatoes and cook for 12 minutes.
  4. Once water is boiling, add pasta and cook until al dente.
  5. Once chicken pan has cooked for 12 mins, add chopped kale and mix to combine. Drain pasta, reserving 80-100ml of the water and add pasta and water to chin pan. Mix to combine.
  6. Season to taste and top with chopped basil and Parmesan if adding.
  7. Serve hot.
Ultimate Kale Pesto

This pesto is made constantly in our house, Evie loves it so much. I often make a batch and then divide the leftovers into an ice-cube tray. Meaning that I can just pop one or two out into some pasta when we next need it. I also stir it through roast potatoes or vegetables to give them that extra something.

Serves: 1 large batchPrep time: 10 minsCook time: Zero

  • 2 large handfuls of kale
  • 1 handful of fresh basil
  • 30g pine nuts (also works great with walnuts)
  • 40g Parmesan cheese (or even better, 30g and 10g Pecorino cheese)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Pinch of salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  1. Add kale, basil, garlic, lemon, salt, grated cheese and pine nuts to a food processor. Blitz until a rough paste, then slowly add olive oil through the top of the food processor whilst blitzing until your desired consistency.

Kale Pesto | The Mother Cooker

Kale Eggs with Avocado & Toast

This was inspired after constantly eating Sarah Glover's 'Warm Green Breakfast Bowl', I couldn't keep eating all that halloumi haha. This is so simple to make and a perfect breakfast, goes great in a wrap or simply in a lunchbox for work. We personally love the Low GI bread from Lidl with this, such a delicious bread if you have one near you.

Serves: 2Prep time: 6-8 minsCook time: 6 mins

  • 4 eggs
  • Splash of milk
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp pine nuts
  • 2 large handfuls of chopped kale
  • 1 red or green chilli
  • Sprinkle of chilli flakes
  • Few grates of fresh Parmesan
  • Fresh lemon or lime
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Mix eggs and splash of milk in a jug, chop chilli and add to jug.
  2. Slice avocado and squeeze over a little lemon or lime juice. Set aside.
  3. Add oil to a frying pan and once hot, add pine nuts, garlic and kale. Cook until kale is just wilted and then remove mixture to a plate.
  4. Tip in egg mixture to the same pan, moving frequently with a spatula to get a good consistency and prevent burning. Cook eggs to your liking (me and mu husband like very different scrambled eggs.)
  5. Turn off heat, then return kale mixture to the pan and mixing to combine.
  6. Season to taste, top with chilli flakes and Parmesan. Serve with hot toast and avocado.

Kale Eggs | The Mother Cooker