A Fresh Start

Welcome to a fresh new term and a new chapter for The Mother Cooker. It’s safe to say that life has gotten in the way of this platform, and for a while I turned into procrastination station. I lost sense of what I wanted it to be. Swept up in comparison and the fast new pace of social media; I got swallowed up in self doubt.

It’s not easy for me to admit, but I wanted to give up. I have been through a lot the past few years. I would constantly talk to myself in a negative manner. Tell myself that I wasn’t talented enough or driven enough to continue. But I came to the realisation that it wasn’t that at all. I’d simply gotten lost and needed to have a little break to find my inspiration and confidence again.

Nothing like the start of my favourite season to give me a push. Autumn, forever has and will always be a fresh start for me. I get the whole back to school vibe and see it as the start of a new year. Much more than I do in January. Things will look a little different on socials and I am dedicated to making more video content. But the one thing I miss the most, is writing. Blogging for me, used to be a way that I could express myself. A journal if you will and for a long time, that has been slipping away in an online world.

But with everyone’s new found love of Substack and newsletters having a resurgence, I felt it time to start typing away again. Maybe nobody will read, but maybe some will. Along with that, I have plenty of new recipes to share, old ones I have changed and defined and a new found love for sharing content again.

So here’s to a fresh start, hope you’re hungry.

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